
Wednesday 24 July 2013


Air Pollution Site

Air Pollution:

Air Pollution in Industry
Pollutants can be in the form of liquid droplets, gases, or solid particles. They may be man-made or natural. There are two types of Pollutants i.e. primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are directly produced from a process, i.e. from a volcanic eruption, sulphur dioxide released from factories and carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. They form in the air. 


Air Pollution in Industry
Sources of human made air pollution:

Air pollution – depends on Industry:

Many power plants in Industry burn fossil fuels to get their energy. Because burning fossil fuel can make a lot of oxides (i.e. chemical compounds that have oxygen and other elements inside). In this reason the burning of fossil fuel makes major (about 96%) percentage of the sulfur oxides in the atmosphere.

Air Pollution in Industry


Air pollution – depends on Indoor:

Indoor air pollution depends on Homes, Schools and Buildings. Sometimes  the air inside a house or building is very much danger than the air outside. So many things are depends which humans use every day can pollute the air. Compounds inside paints, carpets, building materials also pollute the air, especially when they are new.


  Air quality science and general information
  • UNEP Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles
Air quality modelling
  • Standard air quality simplified description of a system procedure for industrial sources.
  • One of six technical articles devoted to air quality and air pollution dispersion modeling.
Effects on human health
  • Air Pollution effects blood clots.